With the purchase of a wine bottle, in combined forces with families, friends and fellow retractors and rotarians we financed birthing kits in Nigeria!
This social project has ended after two successful rounds. Thank you for your support! We keep this page alive for information about the project setup. If you have any questions, please reach out via the “contact us” page.
New life should be celebrated!
But to this day, around 800 mothers die every day at birth or due to complications in their pregnancy. 99% of these deaths happen in developing countries, and most of them are preventable.

In order to protect new life and their families, the proceeds from this fundraiser are used to finance birthing kits for midwives in Nigeria. The funded birthing kits contain sterilized equipment for midwives and one birthing kit costs around 35 EUR. Each birthing kit guarantees one safer home birth.
- Grape Variety: Grauburgunder
- 15 EUR per bottle (+1 EUR shipping)
- Boxes of 6 wines can be directly sent to your home or your club
- Ca. 7 EUR per bottle will be donated for birthing kits in Nigeria to a project by the Rotary Action Group for Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health (RMCH)
Wine sourced locally by a rotarian winemaker:
Werner Conin
Weingut OC, 55283 Nierstein
Donations and Proceeds
All Proceeds are donated to RMCH German Section e.V.
Do you want to donate directly?
Donate directly to RMCH German Section e.V.:
As a Rotary Action Group, they rely on donations. Your donations support projects of the many Rotary, Inner Wheel and Rotaract clubs that they support and co-finance. Please use our account for your donation:
Rotary Action Group RMCH
IBAN: DE12 5454 0033 0206 1695 00
The RMCH German Section e.V. is a non-profit association. For donations up to an amount of € 200.00, the simplified donation receipt in connection with the transferor deposit slip is sufficient for the tax declaration. For amounts over € 200.00, they will issue a donation receipt on the official form. In any case, they need your name, address and the date of the transfer to kontakt@rmch.de.
Background Information on the Social Service Project
Rotaract Frankfurt/Main-International is gathering resources to acquire birthing kits to support the Rotarian Action Group for Reproductive Maternal and Child Health (RMCH) in the project region, Southwest Nigeria. We, therefore, came up with the idea to sell wine bottles that are regionally sourced and donate the proceeds.
Rotaract Frankfurt/Main-International Club aims to support the Rotarian Action Group for Reproductive Maternal and Child Health (RMCH) by engaging in one of the biggest Rotarian individual projects, the Comprehensive Family Planning Campaign in Nigeria. The project closely cooperates with the Nigerian Health Ministry, the World Health Organization, and the German Federal Ministry for economic development and cooperation (BMZ). German Federal Minister Dr. Gerd Müller visited the project in February 2020 in a hospital near the capital Abuja.
The project has three core elements, which are 1) the Obstetric Quality Assurance (OQA) according to international standard, 2) the establishment of a Nigerian Nigerian-OQA-Network, which combines hospital- up to governmental dimensions, and 3) community dialogues. Rotaract Frankfurt/Main-International aims to support the first objective, assuring obstetric quality. Obstetric Quality is important because it protects the health of mother and child during delivery. To achieve a standard in obstetric services across Nigeria, birthing kits are in use. These kits contain the most needed sterile products to secure sanitary delivery in health and birthing facilities. The advantages of these kits are that they bring a basic level of hygiene for a moderate price, they can be transported and stored easily, and are a reliable way of supporting OQA across a country or region.
For questions, please contact us at frankfurt-international@rotaract.de.
This social service project is limited to01.12.2021-31.02.2022. Diese Sozialaktion ist eine zeitlich begrenzte Spendenaktion (01.12.2021-31.02.2022).